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This project started with an idea: What would happen if a competitive Counter Strike 2 map had it's two bomb planting points connected? From there began the creation of the Dilemma map, my first work within the Hammer 2 engine.

The design and creation of this map was done from scratch, going through all the phases involved in the creation of a level, from starting the original idea on a notepad to the final polishing of the map, through the gray boxing, testing and decoration of the scenario.



Create a competitive level for the Counter Strike 2 video game using as a premise that both planting points are next to each other, trying at all times to keep the map balanced for both teams, making sure all zones are tactically rich and can be approached in different ways.


  • Validate map balance taking into consideration thefact that the two bomb sider are next to each other.


  • Create enough tactical richness in the areas of major conflict so attackers have several options for engagement and defenders cannot dig in and "camp".

  • To achieve a map finish and aesthetics close to the ones that the official maps have, in this case the chosen may was Italy.


How to create two planting points that are next to each other and can defend each other without creating an overly advantageous situation for the defenders and allowing the attackers a chance to get in?



To prevent the connector between the two points from being too strong position for the defenders I took the following measures:

1. Ensure that the zone is a high risk high reward zone. Since it is clear that the player who is placed in the connector will have a lot of advantage at both points, he must be easily neutralised and be exposed.

2. Make access to the connector difficult. To reach it, after several playtesting sessions, I decided to make the zone accessible through a ladder. This way the player accessing the area is bulnerable and unable to defend himself from a possible agressor.

3. Make the connector work in both directions. To prevent it from only working from point B to point A, a box was added that allows players to access the connector from point A. This way it works in both directions and no matter where the player in connector stands it is exposed in one way or another.

Connector A
Connector B

Connector zone frome A and B


The design of the map was carried out in 5 stages with 4 levels of quality.

  • L3.5 Once this stage was completed, playtesting began. This consisted of multiple games followed by a feedback session where players commented on the positive and negative points of the map. For these sessions, players of different levels were chosen to ensure that the map would be functional for those with experience in shooters and CS2 as well as for those who are more novice.

  • L4 After the map went through several iterations and testing sessions and the result was what I wanted, I started to decorate and dress it up. This stage was the longest to produce since I decided that the quality of the map should be as close as possible to the official maps, as I wanted it to meet my quality standards.

  • L0 This first level consisted in a .txt list with the objectives and the intention of the map.

  • L1 At this point, the ideas started to be sketched on paper to see how the objectives specified in the previous stage could be addressed.

  • L2 Once in the tool, a preliminary layout was made to measure distances within the engine. This layout consisted only of the possible paths, without walls or cover, to see the dimensions of the map and measure the time it took for both teams to reach the points and the conflict zones.

  • L3 Grayboxing, at this point all the elements that would interact with the map were added. Walls, covers, corners, hallways, etc. Everything players could use or need in the course of a game.

Exemple of stages for A and B points

First version of point A
Iteration version of point A
Final version of point A
First version of point B
Iteration version of point B
Final version of point B



How to add enough tactical richness so that attackers have multiple options to address the two points and defenders cannot dig in and play the waiting game?


To avoid malpractice by the defenders, several possible entrances were set up at both points. This way the defenders cannot just aim for a door and wait.

Also, thanks to the underground part of the map, attackers have the possibility to rotate from one point to another relatively quickly, allowing them more room for maneuver and surprise.

In addition, with this lower part of the map, attackers can reach the starting zone of the defenders, appearing to them from behind and placing themselves at an advantage. This way is perfect for roamer players.


How to make the map look polished and attractive?


To do this I put special attention to the details of the map. Observing and analysing how Valve creates theirs I noticed what they do to make them feel real is to add a lot of detail and variation throughout the map. So, I proceeded to copy that methodology, making sure each wall was a different building from the others, creating its own aura.

This results in the map having uglier and more functional buildings, some others more attractive and elegant and others simpler. You can also see details such as small scenes on various terraces of the maps, personal objects on the doors of the houses and details to add realism to the map such as mailboxes or fuses on the walls of the houses.

Once the map was finished, the final build was made and uploaded to the Steam Workshop, where it is currently available for anyone who wants to try it out.

A Point

A and B zone

B Point

Before and after gallery

Graybox and Final Version of the map

Paper layouts

Paper sketches of possible map layouts

Long side from defenders
Long side from defenders

First and last stages in long side

Long side from attackers
Long side from attackers
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